Just Wondering ...

i've had a little bit of very very precious time on my hands in the last few minutes and i was just browsing a few blogs when it struck me that a lot of them were by people ranting about stuff ( i mean it in a good way) ... people taking up positions and opinions. Looking at life through much more realistic and questioning eyes than whats on display on the street.

Just wondered if its a case of a heightened sense of being when it comes to blogging. Does a personality change occur in normal everyday people when they blog. People who in ther everyday lives dont complain, who lead quiet, fuss free lives and do not concern themselves with problems beyond their immediate desires. Do they turn into passionate, concerned individuals who cast a questioning eye on society and pose often-profound and deep questions into the everyday happening in this world?

I guess my question is this : ( and the answer depends pretty much on your view of humanity i guess)
"Are there concerned citizens out there in huge numbers or is the blogging world that suddenly (and sadly ... momentarily) transforms timid people into new identities .. which they wish they had the courage to be in the real world?"

Intersting bit to ponder over ..... i can't even decide where i fall ... or maybe i don't wanna face the answer ... go fetch that ;).


interesting point to ponder over ...

look at it this way .. a blog provides a person with the stage to share their views or their thoughts on varied subjects with people from across the world.. whereas in everyday life, the same thoughts are best kept inside for the simple reason that sharing them would make a person sound too critical and too complaining maybe?

As i understand it, a blog to most people is a place where they can record their thoughts and just write whatever it is that they want to "speak" out on ...

Am i making any sense here ?? :)
A Dash of Ash said…
"Are there concerned citizens out there in huge numbers or is the blogging world that suddenly (and sadly ... momentarily) transforms timid people into new identities .. which they wish they had the courage to be in the real world?"

This particular statement is a question and an answer in itself. We are all human…enough…to feel pain when we SEE pain. What differs in us, is the fact that how many of us actually, remember that pain..after its gone .How many of us actually think of that sorrow ..that image , when we are elated by happiness ?
Blogging ,as you say..is a path to self discovery for most of us…however ,discovering oneself without valuing and using that discovery in real life , is no discovery at all. We all live a life outside this virtual world …if what we learn from here, we put it to living there, then we have, perhaps fulfilled the purpose of blogging. PURPOSE alone,is the purpose of life...isn’t it? As for being timid in real life…THAT is a choice we make. Courage is not God gifted….it is a wilful quality…something that you CHOOSE to be when you realize that you cant live the other way round.

Your deeds ,Karan , are an answer to the your question. You know what I mean ? Take a look at yourself ..at what u r doing… it might not be completely selfless( as you insist) ,but everyone has to learn to stand up before they start walking.
A very ,very thought provoking entry.
Author: Furor said…
"Courage is not God gifted….....it is a wilful quality"

I'm gonna try n keep that in mind ... thats a very very important thing you just said to me. I needed it put into words so i can constantly keep it in mind. Thanks... it's exactly what i needed.

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